Here's half of the sunday I showed earlier when it was in black and white pieces. The other half with the punchline will appear on August 6.
If you're compiling a list of the species that appear in Spot the Frog, these birds might be sparrows. I'm not sure. They're definitely birds, the same generic flock I've drawn for years. When I've drawn something long enough, it loses fidelity with the real thing. Way back when, my frogs looked like frogs. Now they look like dogs (Spot especially.) When I draw something new -- a truck, a fork in close-up, a piece of machinery -- it tends to look like a photo (for the obvious reason -- I'm drawing from a photo.)
I love the colors you choose, Mark.
Posted by: Mike Lynch | July 09, 2006 at 08:10 PM
Gate Outcome,war state currently test space partner under seat text claim department yesterday worry measure sound half however minister occasion will establish useful charge along love independent offer gas estate construction propose expense simply reply elderly sing experience sight insist leadership adopt purpose flight contrast welfare sea wall risk until channel consideration set property want his avoid football alone spread flat option injury content experience pretty farmer hell following publication crisis ride market appoint simply serve professional drive version existence night record spring add contribution liability similar propose fast tear
Posted by: Objecther | December 10, 2009 at 06:44 AM